Friendships are often the treasured fibers that hold our lives together, yet navigating these relationships does not always come with a roadmap. The recent episode of the #TheTravelingEvangelist podcast, including Pastor and life coach D Nicole Williams and thoughtful host Kalyela Josephs, dove into this vital topic:
Growth-Oriented Friendships
What sets this exploration apart from others is the focus on the concept of 'friending up' and 'friending out.' This idea refers to proactively seeking and nurturing friendships that challenge, grow, and heal you. As expressed by our dialogue, true friendship is not about need, but desire – to learn, to evolve, to support.
A good friendship should feel reciprocal and satisfying, freeing you from the lopsided trap of always being the giver without a chance to receive. An ideal friend will create a safe space for hard conversations, arguments even, but above all, open communication. They help you challenge your growth, act as mirrors reflecting you in your true light, and evolve with you as you change over time. These are hallmarks of a friendship that aims not just at companionship but at human growth.
Misaligned friendships may seem difficult to identify, but key indicators such as the inability to voice one's concerns, frequent one-sided giving, and lack of conscious growth in the relationship can act as red flags.